Worthwhile Resources and Ventures:


Cine-file - A trustworthy weekly guide to worthwhile Chicago screenings.

Chicago Film Society - “Screening 35mm & 16mm film prints from studio vaults, film archives, and private collections.”

Music Box Theater - Chicago arthouse cinema built in August 22, 1929.

Gene Siskel Film Center - Chicago Arthouse and School.

Facets - “Founded in 1975, Facets is a non-profit cinema arts organization that transforms lives through the power of world, classic, and independent film.” It has a school, cinematheque, and brick and mortar rental collection.

Odd Obsession - Video Rental Theme Park. (Closed) 2004-2020


Mubi - A film website that integrates a 30-day rolling curated streaming service, a database, and an online magazine.

Criterion Channel - “Classics and discoveries from around the world, thematically programmed with special features, on a streaming service brought to you by the Criterion Collection.

Archive.Org - Public Domain cinema.

UbuWeb - Free way to see worthwhile avant-garde cinema (largely absent from Orphan Cinema).

National Film Registry (USA) - “United States National Film Preservation Board's selection of films deserving of preservation.” Library of Congress.

Chicago Public Library - Free rental resource.


Movies Brand - "The industry leader in putting the word movies on hats and more. Promoting movies is the mission of Movies Brand. We do that by offering quality products that say the word movies on them."

-Orphan Cinema receives no compensation for these referrals-