Turn it up and watch:
It's a Wonderful Life (dir. Frank Capra, 1944; USA)
Mandy / Crash of Silence (dir. Alexander Mackendrick, 1952; UK)
The Miracle Worker (dir. Arthur Penn, 1962; USA)
Land of Silence and Darkness / Land des Schweigens und der Dunkelheit (dir. Werner Herzog, 1971; West Germany)
Nashville (dir. Robert Altman, 1975; USA)
See No Evil, Hear No Evil (dir. Arthur Hiller, 1989; USA)
There Will Be Blood (dir. Paul Thomas Anderson, 2007; USA)
Take Shelter (dir. Jeff Nichols, 2011; USA)
Baby Driver (dir. Edgar Wright, 2017; UK/USA)
A Quiet Place (dir. John Krasinksi, 2018; USA)
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