Reform our very broken prison system and watch:
Brute Force (dir. Jules Dassin, 1947; USA)
Riot in Cell Block 11 (dir. Don Siegel, 1954; USA)
Scarecrow (dir. Jerry Schatzberg, 1973; USA)
Dog Day Afternoon (dir. Sidney Lumet, 1975; USA)
Midnight Express (dir. Alan Parker, 1978; UK/USA/Turkey)
Scum (dir. Alan Clarke, 1979; UK)
The Shawshank Redemption (dir. Frank Darabont, 1994; USA)
Chopper (dir. Andrew Dominik, 2000; Australia)
The Count of Monte Cristo (dir. Kevin Reynolds, 2002; UK/USA/Ireland)
Bronson (dir. Nicolas Winding Refn, 2008; UK)
A Prophet / Un prophète (dir. Jacques Audiard, 2009; France/Italy)
Logan Lucky (dir. Steven Soderbergh, 2017; USA)
Deadpool 2 (dir. David Leitch, 2018; USA)
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