The Zapruder film is likely already the most studied ever, so instead watch:
Z (dir. Costa-Gavras, 1969; France/Algeria)
The Conformist / Il conformista (dir. Bernardo Bertolucci, 1971; Italy/France/West Germany)
The Day of the Jackal (dir. Fred Zinnemann, 1973; UK/France)
Love & Anarchy / Love and Anarchy / Film d'amore e d'anarchia, ovvero 'stamattina alle 10 in via dei Fiori nella nota casa di tolleranza...' (dir. Lina Wertmuller, 1973; Italy/France)
The Parallax View (dir. Alan J. Pakula, 1974; USA)
Nashville (dir. Robert Altman, 1975; USA)
Taxi Driver (dir. Martin Scorsese, 1976; USA)
Blow Out (dir. Brian De Palma, 1981; USA)
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (dir. Andrew Dominik, 2007; USA/Canada/UK)
Inglourious Basterds (dir. Quentin Tarantino, 2009; USA/Germany)
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