Get some inspiration and watch:
Moulin Rouge (dir. John Huston, 1952; UK)
The Mystery of Picasso (dir. Henri-Georges Clouzot, 1956; France)
The Horse's Mouth (dir. Ronald Neame, 1958; UK)
Andrei Rublev / Andrey Rublev (dir. Andrei Tarkovsky, 1966; Soviet Union)
F for Fake (dir. Orson Welles, 1973; France/Iran/West Germany)
The American Friend / Der amerikanische Freund (dir. Wim Wenders, 1977; West Germany/France)
The Peanut Butter Solution (dir. Michael Rubbo, 1985; Canada)
My Left Foot (dir. Jim Sheridan, 1988; Ireland/UK)
The Moderns (dir. Alan Rudolph, 1988; USA)
Dream of Light / The Quince Tree Sun / El sol del membrillo (dir. Victor Erice, 1992; Spain)
Tim's Vermeer (dir. Teller, 2013; USA)
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